So here’s a question for all you at-home nail fanatics, when you’ve been to the nail salon have you actually paid attention to what they do at the end of your manicure?! When it comes to the end of your appointment and you’re desperately trying to get your phone out to check your IG you’ve probably missed the final but most crucial step *apply cuticle oil*. You know, the bit you always skip when you give yourself a DIY manicure from home?!
What if we told you that a tiny little drop of golden deliciousness from the CANDY COAT Cuticle Glaze could add an extra day or two to your killer nail look?! Oh sure NOW you’re interested! As well as making sure your nails remain strong, nourished and healthy (read more about that, here) applying cuticle oil at the end of your mani journey provides an extra level of protection for your fresh new tips. “What are the benefits of cuticle oil”, we hear you cry? Keep scrolling to find out…
It hydrates.
If you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ll no doubt already know that cuticle oil helps to solve all your dry skin related issues surrounding the nails by offering immediate, intense hydration. Why’s this relevant? Dry nails tend to be weak and inflexible which can lead to chipping and lifting over time. Popping a few drops on regularly will help to give your mani an extra few days before your next change.
It helps to strengthen vulnerable nails.
We know you nail fanatics know that strong nails equal healthy nails but it bears repeating. Cuticle oil keeps the skin supple which prevents splits and nail breakage. This can be especially true in the winter when our hands are exposed to plunging temperatures and biting winds. bUT, if you’re thinking that using oil is only something to do in winter then think again. Cuticle oil also goes a long way to soothe dry hands from too much sun and salt water exposure so make sure to slip a bottle into your hand luggage next time you’re jetting off.
It stimulates nail growth.
Just as your hairdresser would say, long hair is healthy hair, the same is true with your nails. Cuticle oil not only helps with nail damage but also protects further damage from occurring. The seemingly simple act of rubbing it in increases circulation around the nails which can improve growth so if you’ve got long nail goals then it’s a step not to miss!
It adds shine.
We’re about to let you in on a little salon secret. There's a reason nail techs slather on the cuticle oil, and it's not just for nail health! The rich oils coat the skin and freshly cured polish to amp up the shine and protect your new mani from premature chipping or cracking. So if you’re after a post-mani selfie for the ‘gram,make sure to add on a few drops for a mega-watt glossy effect - with benefits!
Do you already use cuticle oil in your at-home mani routine (*gold star if you do*)? If not, we’ll see you at the checkout.
Until next time, stay sweet! X